About Paranneaux Globes

When was the last time you held a globe?

Have you ever paused to consider the transformative power encapsulated within the touch of a world globe? More often than not, the act of cradling such a sphere of knowledge leaves minimal imprint, a fleeting encounter lost in the fabric of time. In contrast, envision the profound impact when you hold in your hands a Paranneaux Globe—a creation meticulously hand-carved and curated to transcend the ordinary.

We have all, at some point, engaged with a world globe, yet the majority of these encounters fail to resonate deeply within us. It is my fervent desire to elevate the experience of interacting with a globe from a mundane affair to a moment of richness and life-altering significance.

As an artist committed to exploring Earth as a medium for unfolding dialogues and birthing profound realizations, I channel my creative energies through the delicate process of carving. Paranneaux Globes, distinguished by their unparalleled craftsmanship, serves as the conduit through which I breathe life into the Earth, employing materials such as wood, resin, and bronze.

Beyond the confines of a strict geographical exploration, I aspire to metamorphose globe viewing into a visceral expression—an art form where emotion entwines with human perception, casting new light upon our shared reality.

Allow me to redefine the ordinary, inviting you to an encounter where the tangible and the intangible coalesce seamlessly, ensuring that the act of beholding a Paranneaux Globe becomes a rich and life-changing tapestry woven into the fabric of your existence.